
First of all, I realize that I dropped off the face of the earth for about a week. (Edit: Yikes! It’s been two weeks. Time is flying!) Believe me, this was not intentional.  I was busy and not in the mood to be handling a lot of what came my way.

I have to be honest. Right now most of my thoughts are with my family in the Houston area. (I can tell that a lot of them are concerned because we’ve gotten several phone calls, and my friends’ facebook statuses all have some mention of ole’ Ike.) They are all scattered that way. We should be getting some pretty strong wind all the way out here tomorrow, so I can only imagine what things will be like for them. Here’s hoping that the local media has just been on some kind of hype frenzy and everyone will be okay.

In other news, the husband and I decided to spend the day together tomorrow, but both of us have forgotten what one does with actual freetime. I think your supposed to have f-fun, is it? Not that the last few weekends away have not been fun; we just haven’t been home alone over the weekend in over a month. It’s probably been 2 or 3 since there was no work/home work/house work to finish as well. Of course, I’m sure we’ll find some way to ruin it.

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